Five Encouraging Environment and Sustainability Stories of 2019

2019 has been a tumultuous year for the environment, with both positive and negative outcomes that have far-reaching consequences. Thankfully, the positives seem to outnumber the negatives for now. Sustainability and the need for urgent climate action are dominating the social and political conversation. This increase in awareness of the environment has come at a stage when we have nothing to do but act, else risk facing the doomsday soon. These are five positive stories of 2019 that have made the most significant impact on the current scenario and shaped the way we perceive the threat of climate change.

Global Climate Activism

2019 saw a stark increase in climate activism around the world. The public took to the streets in large numbers in many cities and villages to demand immediate action against global warming. The debate on climate change has finally entered the public discourse, and global citizens are more vocal than ever on critical issues concerning our environment and well-being. Concerned citizens want government policymakers and companies to take significant action on pressing environmental and social problems immediately. People are not only voicing their opinions in the streets but also on social media platforms.

Youth Leads the Way

The loudest voice among those crying for meaningful action against climate change is Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg. Greta started the ‘school strike for climate’ (‘skolstrejk för klimatet’ in Swedish) movement in August 2018 and since then has inspired thousands of people all around the world to raise their voice on environmental issues and take individual actions to protect nature. The Time Person of the Year 2019 has adopted a sustainable lifestyle, even convincing her parents to do the same, so that their carbon footprint is minimal. Across the globe, generation Z, inspired by Greta, has lent their voices and unconditional support to the cause of saving the environment.

Ready for Renewable Energy

Private industries and multibillion-dollar companies are finally taking notice of rising public sentiment and concerns on the environment. Work on renewable energy has progressed rapidly in the last decade, and clean energy is gradually replacing fossil fuels and reducing our dependence on non-renewable sources of energy. In October this year, the power generated from wind energy became cheaper than gas. Cities are gradually adapting to renewable energy and reducing the use of fossil fuels. Irumbai is a village in Tamil Nadu, India, that is set to become the country’s first fully solar-powered village very soon.

Global Action against Plastic

The European Union has taken concrete steps in banning single-use plastic items such as straws, cutlery, and cups. International laws on plastic have become stricter to reduce the production of plastic. To discourage the use of plastic, some South-East Asian countries like Malaysia and Cambodia are sending tonnes of plastic waste back to the state of origin, mainly the US and Canada. British product designer Lucy Hughes won the James Dyson Award after she turned fish scales and seafood waste into a bio-plastic. A material that is not just biodegradable but also consumable. This bio-plastic is a natural alternative to single-use plastic, and industrialists believe it is the perfect thing to replace single-use or any form of non-biodegradable plastic.

Electric Cars are the Future

From Tesla to General Motors, automobile makers are turning their attention to sustainable forms of energy like electricity or solar power to reduce the carbon emission that most supercars and high-end cars are guilty of using. Even James Bond allegedly got one of his own in the form of a zero-emission Aston Martin Rapide E. BMW has also entered the rat race and is set to release the much teased i4 electric car in 2021. At a time, the carbon dioxide concentration in our atmosphere and water bodies are at an all-time high; electric cars are the only plausible means of reducing CO2 emissions of public and private transport.

Positive actions to reign in global warming are on the rise. Hopefully, lawmakers and ordinary citizens will keep on doing their bit to protect the environment. However, as we bid adieu to the hottest decade on and are gearing up to step into a new decade, we must reflect on our actions and make amends. It will ensure that the future generation may have a planet to call it their home. Remember, there is no Planet B out there for them to live on!

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