
15 Travel Destinations Ruined by Billionaire Tourists

Because of their deep pockets, wealthy tourists often seek out the most exclusive destinations in the world. However, their growing number is constantly threatening these ecosystems and could spell their end. Here’s a look at some marvelous travel destinations that have suffered in the hands of loaded visitors. Venice – Italy Billionaire tourists flock to …

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12 Surprising Items You Didn’t Know Were Banned From Checked Luggage

Packing for a trip can be troublesome enough without the additional worry of running afoul of airport security. While we all know about explosives and liquids exceeding a certain amount, there are a surprising number of everyday items that can land you in hot water (or, more accurately, have them confiscated) at the check-in counter. …

12 Surprising Items You Didn’t Know Were Banned From Checked Luggage Read More »

10 American Beaches That Are Losing Sand at Shocking Rates

Our coastlines aren’t just beautiful stretches of sand and surf; they’re vital ecosystems and economic engines. But for many beloved American beaches, the tide is turning – literally. Erosion is eating away at these sandy paradises at alarming rates, threatening everything from beach blankets to billion-dollar industries. Here are some of the country’s most iconic …

10 American Beaches That Are Losing Sand at Shocking Rates Read More »

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